Mix & Master Order

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed hendrerit id lacus convallis mollis. Vestibulum adipiscing dictum sem, at accumsan urna hendrerit volutpat. Cras consequat justo tristique massa lobortis feugiat. Donec molestie libero et iaculis euismod. Praesent erat urna, lobortis id mi sed, dignissim dictum est. Quisque at tellus justo. Aliquam felis velit, tempus ut pulvinar non, tempus at ipsum. Nulla aliquam libero sit amet sollicitudin porta. Vestibulum velit leo, porttitor at facilisis ut, elementum quis odio. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Praesent eu nibh semper, laoreet massa eu, mattis eros. Donec varius consequat viverra. Cras eleifend, est at ullamcorper tempor, lacus nisi scelerisque quam, sit amet hendrerit est lorem sed arcu.


Using the drop down menu above you can build your package exactly as you want it.

Once you have your package built and you are ready to place your order, the payment form will appear to enter your credit card information. Once the transaction has been completed you will be prompted to upload your files.

Under the Services / Stem Count tab you can select the amount of stems / audio files you will be sending to be mixed.

  • 2-10 Stem Mix
  • 11-25 Stem Mix
  • 26-50 Stem Mix
  • 51-100 Stem Mix

The more stems you are able to provide, the more flexibility we have to mix and process each individual sound.

Get that voice smooth, yo.

What Space do you want to create in?

Great! Let's Get Started.

Fill in the form below and our team will get in touch right away to complete your booking.